NobelProcera Solutions

NobelProcera Dental Solutions - Advanced Dental Export

No one knows industrially produced CAD/CAM dental prosthetics as we do. Nobel Biocare was the first to produce dental restorations in this way. Over 30 years and more than 11 million units later, NobelProcera remains a leader in the precision engineering and manufacturing of dental prosthetics.

We continue to offer innovative products designed to benefit both clinicians and labs, such as NobelProcera Crowns, Bridges, Abutments, and Implant Bars. Our high-translucency multilayered full-contour zirconia solutions offer both exceptional esthetics and strength, while our angulated screw channel solutions provide optimized occlusal access and esthetics. Labs can save time with efficient workflows and ready-to-use products.

Build a reputation with your restorations – precision-engineered components can help you avoid risks that can lead to implant failure, while high-quality materials offer aesthetic results that customers will be proud to recommend.

NobelProcera Crowns and Bridges

  • Single-unit full-contour crowns and bridges from two to five units.

  • Combines strength and esthetics.

  • Multilayered full-contour zirconia in six shades.

  • Cementation on teeth or abutments.

NobelProcera Abutments and Implant Crowns

  • Abutments available in zirconia or titanium.

  • Implant crowns available in full-contour zirconia.

  • Choice between screw- and cement-retained.

  • The angulated screw channel solution provides restorative flexibility.

NobelProcera Implant Bridges

  • Available in multilayered full-contour zirconia from two to five units.

  • Available in zirconia from two to fourteen units.

  • Restore on Nobel Biocare implants, on Multi-unit Abutments, or a combination thereof.

  • The angulated screw channel solution provides restorative flexibility.

NobelProcera Implant Bars

  • Offer solutions that provide stability and comfort for patients.

  • Broad range of fixed and fixed-removable implant bars for a wide variety of clinical situations.

  • Implant bars are available on Nobel Biocare and third-party implants, on Multi-unit Abutments, or a combination thereof.

  • You can also choose from a wide range of attachments.

Frequently Asked Questions

NobelProcera Implant Bridges are available in multilayered full-contour zirconia from two to five units and in zirconia from two to fourteen units. They can be restored on Nobel Biocare implants, on Multi-unit Abutments or a combination thereof. The angulated screw channel solution provides restorative flexibility.

NobelProcera Abutments and Implant Crowns are available in zirconia or titanium. Implant crowns are available in full-contour zirconia.

NobelProcera Solution offers a range of dental prosthetics such as single-unit full-contour crowns and bridges, abutments, implant crowns, implant bridges, and implant bars. These products are available in multilayered full-contour zirconia and can be cemented on teeth or abutments.

NobelProcera Solution offers both clinicians and labs innovative products that combine strength and esthetics. The high-translucency multilayered full-contour zirconia solutions provide exceptional esthetics and strength, while the angulated screw channel solutions offer optimized occlusal access and esthetics. Efficient workflows and ready-to-use products save time for labs. Precision-engineered components can help avoid risks that can lead to implant failure, and high-quality materials offer aesthetic results that customers will be proud to recommend.

NobelProcera Solution is a precision engineering and manufacturing process for CAD/CAM dental prosthetics offered by Nobel Biocare. It includes products such as crowns, bridges, abutments, and implant bars.