Importance of CNC Milling Technology in Dental Lab Procedure For Implants – Advance Dental Export

CNC Milling in Dental Labs: Implant Procedure Advances

Posted Nov. 9, 2022 by Haresh Savani

The success behind any dental implant is a high-performing dental lab that has a full-scale CNC milling technology at play. Dentists often look for restorative implant solutions to other dental labs for dental fabrication. So, why not choose a prominent lab that gives you quick & hi-tech implant service at an affordable cost?

Advanced Dental Export is your dental friend in need. We deal with high-precision dental implants to give our dentists an impeccable solution.

Why is Milled Prosthesis More Precise?

The custom-milled prosthesis offers great benefits with fixed and detachable restorations. It offers rigidity same as fixed restoration. So, a removable milled prosthesis offers a precision fit & ensures better hygiene for patients.

  • It aids in attaining a passive fit.

  • It is made with the patient’s precise gingival architecture, ensuring pleasant aesthetics.

  • Easy to rectify implant formation.

  • Delivers smooth & quick solutions.

A milled prosthetic offers better phonetics and aesthetics to your dental implant. It provides strong lip support, keeps close contact with gentle tissues, and offers easy maintenance.  

What Makes Advanced Dental Export (ADE) Superior in Implant Prosthesis?

ADE comes with an aurum 5×200 machine and aurum implant library that are standalone technologies in the world of dentistry. It is a blend of dental technologies that promise an imperishable solution for dental patients.

Let’s hear out some of its features:

  • Mill any type of materials

Thanks to the DC3.0 spindle – it mills all kinds of dental materials such as CoCr, Glass Ceramic, and Zirconia.

  • Innovative Simultaneous 5-Axis Milling Precision

It limits the machining blind spots and focuses more on enhancing final product quality.

  • 15 Position Automatic Tool Changer

It is easy to process all kinds of dental materials under a single setting using the automatic tool shifter.

  • Metal & Zirconia Processing Ability

The presence of a muscular frame and exquisite machining ability offers great help in overcoming material limitations.

  • Customized Abutment Simultaneous Milling

It comes with the ability to customize five abutments concurrently. That too, without any compromise in quality.


Aurum Implant Library – A Key Choice to Make

Aurum Implant Library comes with an array of dental technologies for high-value treatments. They provide a matchless solution with superior technological systems in place. Here are some points to understand what makes them stand out in a pool of dental labs.

  • Offers extensive know-how of digital scanning systems.

  • Provides scanning systems that are certified for both intraoral and laboratory scanning.

  • Comes with precision implants for both gypsum and printed models.

  • Delivers customizable, Predictable & profitable dental solutions.

  • Implant Restoration Warranty

The Dental Thought

As a dental lab, you should work with professional products & services that protect you in every weather. Choose a dental prosthetic that protects against high-energy sports activities like Football, martial arts, hockey, etc.

Gift your customers the delight of doing anything and everything they want with a CNC-milled dental prosthetic. Grab dental aesthetics today with us.

Haresh Savani
Published by Haresh Savani

As an accomplished founder and CEO, seasoned digital dental technician, experienced ceramist, and a guide to thousands of budding professionals, my vision is to bring a dental renaissance to the global canvas.

For the past 20 years, we have toiled and carved our path to becoming a leading dental lab for providing the latest products, innovative materials, and state-of-the-art digital technology.